21 junio, 2012

The equality of religions - Gandhi

Today I'm going to talk about religion and what makes you feel when we speak about the equality between women and men.
I have chosen the figure of Gandhi to talk about religion, because he's one of the most important celebrities that propage the equality of religion in the history.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Biography

(1869-1948) Gandhi is commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi and in India also as Bapu.
He was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British ruled India. Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world.
He's also known in India as the Father of the Nation, It means, an honorific title given to a man considered the driving force behind the establishment of their country, state or nation. In his birthday is commemorated the International Day of Non-Violence

Gandhi stated that "belief in one God is the cornerstone of all religions''.

Futhermore, Gandhi felt that all human beings are imperfect. We cannot know the Truth fully. But we can strive to reach the Truth. All religions are efforts in this direction. They are different revelations of the same Truth. But they are conditioned by their times. Moreover, they are expressed through men, who are imperfect.
Gandhi dedicated his life to the wider purpose of discovering truth. He tried to achieve this by learning from his own mistakes and conducting experiments on himself. He called his autobiography The Story of My Experiments with Truth.

Gandhi wrote: ''There must be no impatience, no barbarity, no insolence, no undue pressure. If we want to cultivate a true spirit of democracy, we cannot afford to be intolerant. Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause." 

~~ Ainhoa Quiñones García


Equality in religion for both genders

Some religions restrict leadership to men and many others have traditionally practiced sex segregation, for example in traditional Jewish synagogues, the women's section is separated from the men's' section by a wall or curtain called a mechitza and the men are not permitted to pray in the presence of women, to prevent distraction.Sex segregation in Islam includes restrictions on interaction between men and women. Men and women also worship separately in most mosques.
The ordination of women has been a controversial issue in some religions where either the rite of ordination, or the role that an ordained person fulfills, has traditionally been restricted to men because of cultural or theological prohibitions, they even believe that there are quotes in the bible which restrict certains things to men only.

For example:

In India both masculine and feminine deities feature prominently in Hinduism. The identity of the Vedic writers is not known, but the first hymn of the Rigveda is addressed to the masculine deity Agni, and the pantheon of the Vedas is dominated by masculine gods. The most prominent Avatars of Vishnu are men and the traditional religious leaders of Jainism are all men.
Buddha was a man, but the female Buddha is also very important in Buddhism. Buddha stated that men and women are equally capable of attaining Nirvana.

In Abrahamic religions, Abraham himself, Moses, David and Elijah are among the most significant leaders to the Hebrew Bible. John the Baptist, Jesus and his apostles, and Saul of Tarsus again give the New Testament an impression of the founders and key figures of Christianity being male dominated. Islam was founded by Muhammad, and his successor, Ali ibn Abi Talib and The Twelve Imams were also men.
On the other hand, The Virgin Mary, is not associated with leadership or teaching, but is nonetheless a key figure in Catholicism and Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, is regarded by Muslims as an exemplar for men and women.
The Bahá'í Faith teaches that men and women are equal, and there have been a large number of prominent female teachers celebrated in Bahá'í history.
Tenrikyo, which may be the largest religion to have a woman founder.

Nearly all religions recognize marriage, and many religions also promote views on appropriate gender roles within marriage. The main responsability for an islam woman is to flfill her rolw as a wife and mother and men's role is to work and be able to pretect and support his wife and family.
The feminist study of gender and religion began when some women began to feel dissatisfied with the position of women in religion. There were two main aspects that were problems for feminists in Christianity:
-Christianity was typically androcentric. The texts, leaders, experiences, and rituals were focused on men, and women were seen as the deviants from the cultural normality.
-It was patriarchal. All of the leaders were men and assumed to be strong and assertive, whereas women were seen as subservient, passive and weak.
Feminism has engaged with Christians in three main ways:
-Scholars have cited religious texts to feminist aims.
-Some members, scholars and leaders sympathetic to feminism have attempted reforms to harmonize contemporary religious thought and practice to be more in line with feminism.
-Some feminist thinkers have attempted to construct a theology or range of religious practices based on feminist principles
All in all, it has been already said by William Hazlitt: “Prejudice is the child of ignorance.”

Le droit à l’éducation

Le droit à l’éducation est un droit fondamental de l’homme, indispensable à l’exercice de tous les autres droits de l’homme. Il promeut la liberté individuelle et l’autonomisation et apporte des bénéfices importants en matière de développement. Cependant, des millions d’enfants et d’adultes restent privés de la possibilité de s’éduquer, le plus souvent à cause de la pauvreté.

Les instruments normatifs des Nations Unies et de l’UNESCO établissent les obligations légales internationales en matière de droit à l’éducation. Ces instruments favorisent et développent le droit de chacun à avoir accès à une éducation de bonne qualité, sans discrimination et sans exclusion. Il incombe aux gouvernements de remplir leurs obligations à la fois légales et politiques pour offrir une éducation de bonne qualité à tous et pour mettre en place et contrôler plus efficacement les stratégies dans le domaine de 
Guillermo Satué Rodríguez

L'exploitation des enfants

Nous pourrions définir le travail des enfants comme le travail des enfants mineurs dans tout système de production économique d'un pays, la région et le maintenance económique d'un groupe ou un clan familial. Enfants qui sont forcés à maintenir un emploi constant pour les voler le revenu ou pour les payer très peu.

Les enfants mineurs qui sont victimes des pires formes d'exploitation infantile sont:

* Les enfants victimes du trafic (trafic d'enfants).
* Les enfants qui souffrent toute forme d'esclavage.
* Les enfants qui sont forcées à se prostituer.
* Les enfants recrutés par la force, forcés ou incités d'une
certaine manière à faire des activités illégales ou qui menacent leur intégrité.

Les raisons pour lesquelles un garçon ou une fille peut-être victime du l'exploitation infantile sont:

* La marginalisation sociale et / ou l'extrême pauvreté. La famille de cette classe de garçons n'ont pas les conditions nécessaires pour le subsistance des enfants et les forcent à travailler pour maintenir l'économie familiale.
* Réseaux d'exploitation infantile. Plusieurs réseaux du crime organisé travaillant pour utiliser des enfants dans leurs objectifs économiques (mendicité, la prostitution, ...).
* Pression des pairs. Enfants et adolescents travaillent pour accompagner leurs amis. Les bénéfices recueillies les utilisant pour satisfaire leurs propres besoins, mais pour le plaisir de manipuler de l'argent se laissés plus dans les rues, s'adaptant aux expériences de ces derniers.
* Le manque de soins parentaux. Causée par un acte irresponsable paternelle / maternelle. Assez commun chez les parents jeunes et inexpérimentés.
* Orphelinage. Il se produit chez les enfants et les adolescents orphelins qui sont incapables de se soutenir financièrement ou autrement.

Raisons pour lesquelles les enfants ne doivent pas être exploitées:

* Le travail empêche le libre développement des enfants et leur laisse moins de temps pour l'étude.
* Le travail ne pas laisser les enfants être enfants, cela enlève ou entrave la ludique.
* Le travail ou l'exploitation infantile viole les droits fondamentaux de l'enfant.
* Travail peut mettre en danger leur santé physique et/ou mentale. Il ya des tâches qui entravent le développement normal de l'enfant ou qui atrophie leur corps.
* Les enfants n'ont pas assez de connaissances pour prendre des décisions pour eux-mêmes, par conséquent, les enfants qui travaillent seront toujours obligé de le faire.

Par Saray García

04 junio, 2012

Nuclear reactors, the new generation

A new generation of "fast" nuclear reactors could use Britain's radioactive waste stockpile as fuel. It will provide enough electricity to power the country for more than 500 years.
This Britain's radioactive stockpile includes more than 100 tonnes of plutonium and 35,000 tonnes of depleted uranium. Terrorists can use the plutonium in nuclear weapons, that is why it will cost billions to get rid of them safely.
The government is looking for a way for disposing of or managing these waste. One option is to build a plant to combine the plutonium waste (very dangerous) with other materials to make mixed-oxide fuel (Mox), which is less dangerous. But, in addition to other difficulties, Mox fuel allows only a tiny proportion of the energy in the waste to be converted into electricity so they are still looking for new proposals.

The engineering firm GE Hitachi has proposed an alternative way based on its Prism fast reactor, which could consume the plutonium as fuel while generating electricity.
No Prism reactors have yet been sold, but GE believes it could construct one in a few years plus the time taken to license the technology.
The reactor will produce as much power as 100 large wind turbines running non-stop or a quarter of a conventional nuclear plant. The reactor core is submerged in a pool of liquid sodium, which acts as a coolant, transferring the heat to the turbines where electricity is generated.
According to the Guardian by Tom Blees, this alternative could produce enough low-carbon electricity from Britain's waste stockpile to supply the UK at current rates of demand for more than 500 years.

The cost of any Prism installation would depend on unknown quantities, including the details of the licensing requirements. However, Eric Loewen, chief engineer at GE Hitachi nuclear, claims that the technology should be economically competitive due to its small and fixed-size modular design, which allows it to be produced in an off-site factory.

It is true that it's better to use renevable energies but without other alternatives to get energy it wouldn't be enough with solar or wind energy.
Guillermo Satué Rodríguez
Droit à l'éducation

Les écoles accueillent ce Badajoz cours sur 2147 élèves immigrants, près de la moitié de rendre l'enseignement primaire. Ces enfants sont principalement d'Amérique du Sud, d'Afrique, d'Asie ou bien d'Europe de l'Est sont de plus en plus fréquent à la fois dans les écoles. C'est ce qui se passe dans le école IES Llanes afin d'enseigner les valeurs de respect, de tolérance et de solidarité et de la richesse que d'enseigner des connaissances et le respect de la diversité culturelle. Le fait se rapportent à des cultures différentes à l'école nous donne l'occasion de pratiquer ces valeurs.

Il est nécessaire favoriser l'amitié entre toutes les nations et tous les groupes ethniques et religieux.

Guillermo Satué Rodríguez
Tensions sociales croissantes

Hamad Al-Naqi, de 22 chiite, a été condamné à 10 ans de prison pour avoir insulté le prophète Mahomet et les Dirigeants d'Arabie saoudite et sunnites de Bahreïn sur Twitter.
Il a plaidé non coulpable et a déclaré que son compte twitter a été piraté. 
Le Koweitien a été accusé d'avoir insulté le Prophète et ses épouses, pour avoir blasphémé contre l'islam, à accroître les tensions sociales et pour avoir insulté les dirigeants. Le Parlement a adopté au début de mai une nouvelle loi sur l'introduction de la peine de mort pour ces infractions, mais n'a pas encore été promulguée.

Guillermo Satué Rodríguez