29 mayo, 2012

Temas a tratar

Ainhoa Saray Laura Guille

· LA IGUALDAD EN EL TRABAJO *(A) *Presentacion (FR)
· LA HOMOSEXUALIDAD (L) *Presentación* (FR)
(Comparación entre la historia y la actualidad)
(1a y 2a Guerra Mundial)
· LA ESCLAVITUD INFANTIL *(S) *Presentación* (FR)
(Consecuencias en escuelas, trabajo, etc)
· DERECHO A LA EDUCACIÓN (G) *Presentación* (FR)

15 mayo, 2012

The women in the World War II

The World War II turned out to be a trascendental moment for all the american women. While men were in the war or out of their country, women could start to work in iron and steel industry.For many women,the oportunity to make a living in a honorable way and learn a trade  couldn't be overlooked.
Many women that chose working, felt a feeling of independe and liberation. They were earning more money than ever (although not the same money as men)
The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) offered to women another way to demostrate her rivarly. Besides the nurses, these women were the ones to join in the American Army's lines. Approximately, more than 150.000 women were enlisted to serve their country in the WAC.
Many women that fought to the racial discrimnation in their own territory. Some japanese-american served as Wacs,in spite of their families were moved obligatory to the relocalitation fields.
However, when the war finished in 1945 the economic security  newly achieved by the women met suddenly threatened. As men were returning with their families, they were returning to their respectives works too .Obviously, it expected that women come back to recover the traditional rols of wife and mother. 

Hecho y traducido por:  Laura Troyano

07 mayo, 2012

Disabled people.

Disabled people

disability may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental or some combination of these. A disability may occur during a person's lifetime or may be present from birth. Many disabled people suffer from discrimination, abuse, teasing,... Just by being born so, or have obtained the disease at some time in their lives.

Types of disability

Physical Disability

A physical disability is any impairment that limits the motor function. Others include impairments that limit other daily life's facets.

Sensory disability

The sensory disability is an impairment of one of the senses. This term is used above all to refer to vision and hearing impairment, but it can be used for other sensory impairments.

* Visual impairment. The vision impairment is vision loss of a person of such a degree that cannot be cured by conventional methods. These are people who need help from other people or guide dogs. The government adapts areas (eg, traffic lights that sounds) and enables services (adoption of guide dogs) to improve the comfort of blind persons. Blind people can read and write braille.

* Hearing impairment. Hearing impairment, hard of hearing or deaftness, refers to conditions in which people are unable to detect or perceive some frequencies of sound that most people can hear. Mild hearing problems cannot be considered a disability.

*Olfactory and gustatory impairment. The impairment of the sense of smell and taste are commonly associated with elderly people, but it can also occur in young people due to a wide variety of causes. 

These are various olfactory disorders:

Ageusia. Complete loss of the sense of taste.
* Anosmia. Things smell different than they should.
* Hyperosmia. Abnormally acute sense of smell.
* Hyposmia. Decreased ability to smell.
* Olfactory reference syndrome. Psychological disorder that causes the patient to imagine he/she has a strong body odor.
* Parosmia. Things smell worse than they should.
* Phantosmia. Hallucinated smell. Often unpleasant.

 Somatosensory impairment

The insensitivity to stimuli such as touch, heat, pain, cold, etc,... Are often subject to a mayor disability that involves different neutral pathwaysand which are frequently associated with paralysis.

Balance disorder

A balance disorder is a disturbance that causes in an individual to feel unsteady, for example when he/she is standing or walking. It may be accompanied by symptoms of being giddy, woozy, or have a sensation of movement, spinning, or floating. The balance is the result of several body systems working together. The eyes , ears and the body's sense of where it is in space need to be intact. The brain, which compiles this information, must to be functioning effectively.

Intellectual disability

Mental disability can range from mentally retardation to cognitive impairments so minors or specific as not to be classified as mentally retardation. This disability may occur at any age. Mentally retardation is a subtype of intellectual disability, which term is preferred by many people as aeuphemism for mentally retardation.

Developmental disability

Developmental disability is any disability that results in problems with growth and development. Although the term is often used as a synonym for intellectual disability, the term also ranges many congenital medical conditions that have no mental or intellectual components.

Saray García


01 mayo, 2012


Discriminación entre personas de distintas razas.

El racismo es algo que está presente en la mayor parte del mundo y que todos hemos visto alguna vez, ¿nunca vieron a unos niños burlarse de una persona de color o de un extranjero, solo por no ser de su país? Podríamos definir el racismo como la práctica de la discriminación, segregación, persecución o dominación de personas debido a una supuesta diferencia racial o étnica. El racismo ha matado a muchas personas, y la discriminación todavía no tiene solución. El racismo suele ser confundido con la xenofobia, pero tienen algunas características distintas, ya que el racismo es una ideología de supuesta superioridad de unas razas o etnias frente a otras, mientras que la xenofobia es un sentimiento de rechazo dirigido solo a los extranjeros.

Racismo antiblanco en Castellón, pelea entre marroquíes y españoles en un instituto de Burriana.

Mujer racista en el tranvía de Londres. Movimiento contra la Intolerancia.

El racismo se da en todos los aspectos de la antigüedad, del presente, y puede que del futuro. Guerras entre países, guerras en un mismo país de razas enfrentadas y guerras civiles no hubieran tenido lugar en el pasado si el racismo no hubiera estado presente. Personas de un país hacen de los extranjeros sus esclavos y les obligan a trabajar a cambio de poco debido a la ideología de superioridad supuesta. Sitios públicos que prohíben la entrada de extranjeros o de personas de color, o que lo hacen de forma indirecta también son causa del racismo. Personas de color que dejan sus asientos a personas blancas en los autobuses debido al racismo y al sentimiento de inferioridad que el racismo crea en ellos.

Hay muchas personas que luchan contra el racismo, músicos que luchan contra ellos a través de sus canciones, directores de cine que crean sus películas como crítica y para reflejar en ellas el racismo que sufren los extranjeros, personas de color, ... Manifestaciones en contra del racismo, pintores que hacen cuadros para reflejar en ellos las consecuencias o los actos del racismo, etc. Pero todo esto no es suficiente para acabar con ello, los gobiernos deberían actuar de otra forma para fomentar la convivencia entre naciones, razas, etnias, etc.

Detrás del racismo siempre hay un egoísmo económico, que primero se camufla con teorías y cuando éstas fallan, con violencia. Detrás del racismo sólo hay explotación. No se les hacen ascos a los ricos de otras razas.

 No existen las razas, la única raza que existe es la humana.

Si no juzgas a un libro por su tapa, ¿por qué sí a una persona?

Las personas racistas son tan inseguras de sí mismas, que necesitan demostrarse que son superiores a algo.

*Saray García*
