17 enero, 2012

What is recycling? The importance of recycling.

Most of the people know what's the meaning of recycling, but the important thing here is: Do we recycle? When we're walking on the streets, sometimes we see people taking out the trush, but what people do with that trush? The majority throw the rubbish out of their respective place and that's a hard task for the dustmen. When we were children our teachers always told us that we must separate the trush on the differents containers but only a few of us keep recycling.


  • It suppose save the materials we're trying to recycle. The extraction is very expensive.
  • The recycle allows saving energy and reducing pollution.
  • It suppose, in fact, to reduce the reminder's final volumen that goes to the dump.
  • Recycle allows to preserve natural sources such importants like the water, wood or minerals.
Separate for recycling

Recycle suposses give to each residue the most appropiate treatment to its nature and, for that, the wastes must be grouped in homogeneous fractions.
This task of separating the urban residues relapses generally over the ciziten, that should deposite each fraction in the container that belongs or in the collection's point assigned.

Hecho y traducido por: Laura
Fuente: http://marina-otero-spagnuolo.suite101.net/la-importancia-de-reciclar-a4129  + conocimientos propios.

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